There are people who stay in an unhappy marriage until the resentment builds and they feel they have no choice but to divorce. They don’t voice their unhappiness, they go with the flow hoping something will change and the problems will be instantly solved. Then there are those who try with everything they have to make the marriage work before they leave. These people are problem-solvers who feel they owe it to the marriage to try to reach some resolution before they throw in the towel.
The one thing both have in common is that they rarely go to marriage counseling. Very few people take advantage of marriage counseling before deciding to divorce; this is likely due to societal preconceptions about who needs therapy and what it may lead others to think. When your relationship is on the line, though, no one’s opinion matters more than that of you and your partner. And by working with a professional, you may actually find that your voice is strong and worth listening to.
Maintaining a marriage and solving problems within the marriage takes skills. Relationship skills that few of us are naturally equipped with. We may think we are doing all we can to solve the problems in a marriage but, a marriage counselor can be of great benefit in teaching us new ways of solving problems and getting our needs met.
5 Benefits of Marriage Counseling
You will learn how to resolve conflict in a healthy manner. Marriage counseling will equip you with communication skills that will help you not only listen to your spouse but, to also process what your spouse is saying.
You will learn how to communicate more effectively. When you voice your needs clearly and openly without resentment or anger, your marriage will prosper.
You will learn how to be assertive without being offensive. Both spouses need to be able to talk about their issues without fear of hurting the other spouse. In marriage counseling, you will learn that you can get what you need without having to make demands and engage in conflict.
You will learn to process and work through unresolved issues. Marriage counseling offers a safe environment for expressing any unhappiness you feel. Getting your feelings out into the open with the help of a trained professional may be all you need. You may find that your spouse is more than willing to work together to solve the problems in the marriage. You may also find that your spouse is unwilling to do the work. If so, you are then free to leave the marriage without any guilt because you have given it your best shot.
You will develop a deeper understanding of who your spouse is and what their needs are. Better yet, you will learn more about yourself and your own needs. You may end up finding that those needs can be met inside the marriage or you may not.
Relationship skills needed to maintain a fulfilling marriage could be learned. A marriage counselor can teach you those skills while monitoring your progress, mediating conflict and giving objective feedback.
If you wait too long to seek marriage counseling the odds are against you. Even if you feel it is too late and no amount of counseling will help the only way to know for sure is to seek professional help. Doing so will keep you from making a mistake you will later regret. If you are thinking about divorce, protect yourself from future regret by working with a marriage counselor.
It doesn’t matter if you have been married for ten months or ten years, it is normal for the flame of love and passion to weaken over time, but when you add certain “elements” to the relationship, it can reignite the fire between you. The truth is everything is exciting at the beginning of a relationship – it’s all new, after all. But, as you get more comfortable with one another and your relationship becomes “routine,” boredom and indifference can set in… Unless, you take steps to prevent it. Your marriage doesn’t have to be boring, and it doesn’t have to be “ritualized.” No, you can keep the passion sizzling between you with a little extra TLC.
Listed below are ways you can reignite the flame in your marriage:
If you want to get the fire burning in your relationship, you will need to re-connect with one another. What does that look like? Well, it could be as simple as drinking coffee or tea in the mornings or eating breakfast together, while you talk about your upcoming day.
Or, checking-in with one another in the evenings by eating dinner together and sharing your “highs” and “lows” from the day. The goal is to let your spouse know that you are there to listen and that you want to be involved in their life.
Kissing & Hugging When You Reunite
Jumpstart the passion in your relationship by kissing and hugging when you reunite. In other words, when you come home from work, greet your spouse with a kiss and hug to let them know you missed him/her. But, you shouldn’t just do this when they come home from work – do it any time you separate and reunite.
Even if it’s something simple like coming home from running separate errands, running down the street to get gas, coming back from a friend’s or relative’s home or event, or even coming back in from taking your four-legged baby for a walk. It doesn’t have to be extensive or drawn-out because the aim is to show affection to one another.
Getting “Handsy”
What does getting “handsy” even mean? Well, it means holding hands. Now, you can add other “elements” into the mix like hugging, kissing, and caressing to “spice up” the marriage. These simple gestures can go a long way in re-sparking the love and sexual chemistry in your relationship. How? Well, physical stimulation of any kind can trigger your body’s release of oxytocin, the “feel good” hormone.
As a result, you are calmer and in a better mood. It’s the same hormone that is released during an orgasm, according to studies. Another added benefit to physically touching? A reduction in stress, and as we all know, less stress can lead to more sizzle.
Changing It Up!
The truth is it’s easy to get in a rut when you’ve been with someone for a long time. You get married and get immersed in a daily routine. Then, the kids come along, and while that routine shifts, it’s still just a routine. The result? Being stuck in the same old thing day in and day out. Snooze.
There’s nothing worse, for most, than being stuck in a life of unending predictability. However, that doesn’t have to be your life. No, you can add some excitement to your marriage, just by changing it up – your life, yourself, your activities, your behavior, your marriage, your routines, and the sex, of course. In other words, break your routine and try something new!
For instance, if you typically do your chores and run errands – grocery shopping, on Sundays, use this day to do something fun with your spouse. Find a babysitter, if you have children, and do something together like go to church, explore a museum, go downtown and partake in the festivities, go see a movie you’ve been wanting to see, grab lunch at your favorite restaurant and talk about your future goals, volunteer at an animal shelter, go get couples massages, workout together, etc. Basically, take in the sights in your city.
Or, be spontaneous and do something you’ve talked about a thousand times, but never did like signing up for a painting or cooking class, or going horseback riding or skydiving. The thing you don’t want to do is become complacent. Why not? Because it can quickly dim the sparkle in your relationship.
Keep in mind that changing it up can also refer to sex. Sex can get pretty humdrum if it’s performed the same way all of the time. For instance, if you are always the one to initiate sex, let your partner initiate it the next time. Or, if you have a go-to position, try a new one.
Remember, the goal is to reignite the flame in your marriage – so go for it! Think outside-of-the box and make magic again in the bedroom. There’s no need to be bashful – you’re married, after all!
Be honest, when was the last time you surprised your spouse or vice versa? Last week, last year, or ten years ago? Well, if you can’t remember the last time you and your spouse were surprised by each other, it’s long overdue. If you want the fire burning again in your relationship, send your partner a sexy text message or picture, while he/she is at work.
Note: Don’t send anything too racy to his/her phone because you don’t know who will be around him/her when he/she opens it up. So, keep it sexy, but PG-13. Use code words and emojis to get your point across. And, snap a picture of yourself in a sexy outfit or send a picture of you showing off your best assets – i.e. your lips, abs, legs, feet, eyes, smile, dimples, etc. Sexy doesn’t have to mean naked.
Think about how it used to make you feel to get those sweet and sexy texts and pictures when you first started dating. Well, even if you don’t get them as much anymore, you can re-spark the fire in your marriage simply by re-starting this sexy game of cat-and-mouse.
Ditching Your Electronics
Have you ever thought about ditching your electronics for an hour or two a day? How about when you get home from work? Well, an excellent way for you to reignite the fire in your marriage is to free yourselves from distractions, and yes, I mean electronics – all electronics. So, do yourself and your relationship a favor and silence your smartphone, put away your tablet, and turn off the television.
Your favorite sitcom can wait. That juicy text from your BFF can wait. But, your relationship cannot. Choose to spend time with your spouse instead – talking, laughing, figuring things out, touching, and just being together.
Go on a romantic date, play UNO or charades together, sit on the front porch, rocking and sipping on your favorite hot beverage, cuddle in bed while talking about the future and remembering the past. Let your fascination or obsession with being connected to the world go, so you can reconnect with your partner.
Get Your Sexual Mojo Back
Mojo? Wait…what? Yes, you can’t reignite the flame without it. The truth is having a healthy and active sex life is important in a marriage. Therefore, it is vital that you carve out time to have sex on a regular basis. Don’t, however, pressure your spouse into having sex when he/she really doesn’t want to, because that will lead to a disaster.
Sex has to be mutual for it to be enjoyable. So, if one partner doesn’t feel up to the task that night, skip it. I know, it’s rough, but your spouse will appreciate your consideration and patience, which ultimately push him/her closer to you. Lastly, don’t be bashful in the bedroom – you’re married and sex is supposed to be fun – not an obligatory function of marriage.
Take a Stroll Down Memory Lane
When the passion starts to simmer down in your marriage, take a stroll down memory lane. In other words revisit the past. Think about your history together. Recall your happiest and funniest moments.
Think about what first drew you to your partner. Was it his/her smile or laugh? Was it the twinkle in his/her eye or the cute way he/she ate pasta on your date? Or, was it something super sweet like saving up to get you a piece of jewelry or take you on a fancy or fun date? Think about how all of that made you feel.
How did your spouse used to touch, hold and kiss you? Do they still do that today? If not, write down things you used to do to each other that you enjoyed and start doing them again.
Also, start revisiting places you used to go when you were dating – i.e. the old pizza joint, the park to feed the ducks, on a romantic dinner where you got all gussied up, out for ice cream or coffee, to the beach, to ball games, bowling, putt-putting, the movies, etc. And, while there hold hands, smooch, snuggle, and be affectionate. Who cares who is watching – this is about you and your spouse.
Sounds simple, but communication woes is the number one cause of marital dissatisfaction. It can be challenging to navigate how to communicate with your spouse, especially, when it’s a difficult topic. I get it. But, it’s necessary, if you want to have a healthy and happy marriage. Marriage takes work – a lot of work. And, sometimes is blissful and sometimes it’s hard – really hard.
Most of the time, however, it’s worth the effort. But, nothing will get resolved if you never talk to one another. I don’t mean just talking about the easy and neat things, but the challenging and messy ones too. So, if you have concerns, talk to your spouse about it, and encourage him/her to talk to you about theirs.
Nothing will get “fixed,” if it stays hidden. And, the longer you avoid talking, the more damage it will do to your relationship.
Planning a Romantic Getaway – Without the Kids
When was the last time you snuck away – just the two of you without your kids? I bet it’s been a while, right? Well, if the flame in your relationship is dying a slow death, consider saving up and going on a romantic getaway – out of your city or state. It can be a weekend or a week; it doesn’t matter.
The aim is to help you reconnect – mentally, physically, spiritually, and sexually. Honestly, spending some quality time away from work, routines, kids, and the daily stresses of life can work wonders in your bland marriage. Even just one night together – alone in a hotel – can help refresh yourselves and your marriage.
Seeking Help
Seeking helps sounds so daunting, doesn’t it? Well, just because you need reinforcements in your relationship doesn’t mean something is wrong with you or your spouse. We all need extra support from time-to-time. It’s normal and healthy. And, you don’t always have to be stuck in couples counseling.
Many times, it just means talking to someone about what’s happening with you, your spouse, and in your marriage. One way you can do this is by attending a marriage retreat. The best thing about these events is that they are relaxing and fun! Yes, fun!
It’s a good way talk about any issues with relationship experts in a calm and steady environment – minus the daily stresses and distractions back home. The goal is to provide support to you and your spouse, so you can reignite the flame in your relationship. It’s kind of like a working vacation. Not too bad, right?
And, the best part about it is that you get to leave with a toolbox of valuable “relationship tools” – i.e. healthy coping mechanisms, conflict-resolution strategies, stress management/relaxation techniques, better communication, and newfound appreciation for each other. Basically, all the
Maybe you’ve just said “I do” and walked down the aisle or maybe you’ve been married for ten years. Either way, you are set to spend the rest of your life with your significant other, which includes a lifetime of sex as well. Not surprising, sex can be a sensitive topic that causes couples to tread lightly.
Both parties have specific preferences and desires when it comes to intimacy. Certain insecurities can arise when thinking about sex that are uncomfortable to address but that can interfere with a healthy sex life. No matter where you fall on the spectrum in your marriage, just know that nothing is set in stone. Sex can be continuously improved in marriage.
10 Sex Tips to Improve Marital Intimacy
This article will help you lay a foundation for sexual fun and union with your spouse that will get better over time.
1. Sex is Not the Point of Marriage
If you have a one-track mind that is constantly thinking about sex, you could run into problems in your marriage. Sex is a manifestation of your love for each other. “Sex should never be just a physical rush, but a tender, passionate connection. Without the playful, loving companionship, sex becomes another buzz that loses its perspective and has increasingly diminishing returns.”
If your marriage is crumbling, chances are your sex life is too. It’s hard to be intimate with someone who isn’t putting the marriage first. The more couples work to strengthen their marriage, the better their sex life can become. When two people feel cherished and respected, their sex life will reflect that.
2. Make it Fun
Sex doesn’t have to be monotonous or even seductive all the time. Sex is often best enjoyed while being silly and playful. Cracking an appropriate joke takes the pressure off the act, lowers your guard and allows those insecurities to decrease.
When a flair of fun is present, it’s easier to try something new without feeling like you have to get it right at first. You experience a deeper level of freedom by incorporating elements of fun into the bedroom. Turn a game of hide-and-seek into foreplay. Get creative and see where it leads you.
3. Learn Something
Talk to your spouse to uncover what he or she truly wants during sex. If your spouse doesn’t know you can ask more detailed questions. Did you like when I did X? How did you feel when we did Z last night? Sex is a two-way street, but you might be shocked to find out a lot of couples don’t consider what feels good to their spouse.
On that same note, learn what you like too so that you can express that to your spouse. You can’t make suggestions unless you know what turns you on. Don’t be shy to try new positions, angles or techniques until you find what works best for you. Sex is designed to be explored, specifically in the context of marriage. And how can you know what truly brings you the most pleasure unless you know a little something about sex?
4. Give Your Bodies a Break
Although we are all born naked, not everybody is comfortable being naked. Media and culture define beauty and dictate how a body should look. A magazine will quickly tell you how you aren’t good enough. It’s up to you to silence the noise in your head and give your body the love it deserves.
Take time to praise different parts of your body instead of speaking negatively over your body. Once you accept your body that translates into assertiveness in the bedroom. Focus on being intimate with your spouse and enjoying the time in the bedroom with each other.
Don’t hold yourself, or your spouse, to some impossible standard. Focusing on what you want to fix about them won’t make you any happier. Criticism isn’t normally a turn-on for people. If you expect your spouse to love you for who you are, you should extend the same love to him. Build up your spouse in the bedroom by affirming and accepting each other.
5. Communication is the Key
Your spouse lacks the power to read your mind. No matter how long you’ve been married. Talking about sexual preferences might make you uncomfortable, especially if you grew up in the church. Don’t be afraid to communicate before, during, and after sex.
Let your spouse know when something he or she is doing feels good. Share when you are feeling hesitant about a certain technique. What sounds like fun to you? Is there something you have been desiring to try but are too self conscious to bring it up? Communication is key to a successful sex life.
6. Get Creative
I know we briefly touched on this earlier in the article, but let’s dig a little deeper. Take the time to prepare a novel experience for you two. Add some romance to your sex life by lighting some candles, putting rose petals on the bed and buying some massage oil to help your spouse relax and unwind.
It might sound like a cheesy romance, but most spouses love any type of effort to add creativity to the bedroom. Does your husband like video games or superheroes? Buy a superhero costume and surprise your husband. A sexual surprise works wonders to boost your sex life.
7. Make Time for Sex
Are you too busy for sex? Depending on what stage of life you are in, it could be difficult to make time for sex. Maybe you are both juggling work, kids and trying to pay down debt. Some days you just want to make it to the bed in one piece after scraping baby puke off your shirt.
Some couples put sex on the calendar and make it a priority. It might sound too structured, but sex can be easily put on the back burner if you are stressed or overworked. It also helps to know when you feel more sexual.
Maybe you prefer mornings when you are still fresh or the evening when you can relax through a time of intimacy. You don’t need to make it a regimented act, but when the week gets busy it can give you both something to look forward to by having sex on the calendar.
8. Be Romantic
Romance begins way before you enter the bedroom. When you genuinely know your partner, you can create moments for romance. Does your wife like sweet notes to be scattered around the house? Write a sweet note and tape it to the coffee machine. Does she like to enjoy the great outdoors? Create a picnic and pick the best trail to enjoy your lunch.
Does your husband like to talk about his business? Praise him for a recent successful business deal and ask him to tell you how he managed to secure the sale. Does your husband enjoy watching sports? Buy his favorite player’s jersey and ask him to catch a game with you. Bonus points if you make his favorite meal.
9. Naked and Unashamed
Because sex outside of marriage, is not a part of God’s design, most Christians grow up believing sex is dirty. It takes time to rewire the brain to believe sex inside of the marriage covenant can be exhilarating and wild. Just as you shouldn’t be ashamed of one another, don’t be ashamed of sex. God designed sex and Song of Solomon shows this love on display.
My beloved is mine and I am his; he browses among the lilies. Until the day breaks and the shadows flee, turn my beloved, and be like a gazelle or like a young stag on the rugged hills. – Song of Solomon 2:16-17
The couple in Song of Solomon doesn’t view sex as just a way to procreate, but as a way to deepen intimacy with each other. This couple was enjoying their physical union until dawn.
May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth: A loving doe, a graceful fawn – may her breasts satisfy you always; may you be captivated by her love forever. – Proverbs 5:18-19
Our bodies are meant to be given to each other. Sex doesn’t have to be boring, but excitement can be infused through intimacy.
10. Make Intimacy Intimate
Learn to be vulnerable and affectionate with your spouse. Sex isn’t just about the physical, but emotional aspects too. Sex can be a time to show your partner how you feel about them. Express what you love about your spouse and why you desire to have greater intimacy.
Marriage is a sacred thing for many people. They only go as far as to commit themselves that much to someone they wish to spend their lives with. This view of marriage often has nothing to do with religion either. People simply see it as leveling their relationship up. So, what happens when they end up getting a divorce? Their entire world starts crumbling.
The first thing that takes a hit is people’s perception of marriage. Many start thinking that it’s a scam and there’s nothing unique about it. With that in mind, many people are unlikely to remarry again. On the other hand, people from failed marriages are more likely to take it really hard mentally and emotionally.
Studies show that people from failed marriages are also more prone to mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety. We’re sure you know at least one person in your life that has gotten a divorce. Nowadays, they’re more frequent than ever because people think one fight is enough to end it all. However, we’re here to tell you about the importance of saving a marriage and how negatively a divorce can impact you.
It Would Take Years to Recover
The first thing you need to do after getting a divorce is process it. Many people think it’s all said and done, and they can just move on with their lives. Unfortunately, that can’t be furthest from the truth. In fact, what many people go through is really tough, but this healing process is mandatory. This healing is so difficult sometimes that people require professional help or the help of support groups.
Additionally, you will be feeling the effects of your divorce for years. You’ll always come back to it and think if you’ve made a mistake. This kind of struggle and overthinking will impact the rest of your life daily. So, it’s definitely something you don’t need to put yourself through unless you absolutely must. That’s another reason why marriage is worth saving, or at least worth considering saving.
Your Children Don’t Deserve to Experience This
It’s normal to be selfish when you’re going through a divorce. You are going through this, and the feelings can be overwhelming. You’ll be dealing with anything from depression to anger and often won’t know what to do with these feelings. Pushing them aside is bad, and you need to learn how to make this not affect you as much. Why? For the sake of your kids. Your thoughts may not go to them straight away, but they’re suffering just as much as you are. Yes, even if they’re not showing it.
Soon enough, your kids may start acting differently, or the immense feelings they’re experiencing can even manifest themselves as physical illnesses and conditions. Plus, it’s factual that kids coming from broken marriages are different from others.
That is true even if you and your partners part ways on good terms and have joint custody. Still, nothing is the same as it once was. Not to mention, other kids may bully them over something like this.
If that’s not a good enough reason to try saving a failing marriage, we don’t know what is. So, if you’re currently thinking about divorce, think of your kids instead. They’re forced to be a part of this, but this kind of suffering is unnecessary.
Divorce Affects Your Families Too
People love to say that when you’re marrying your partner, you’re actually marrying their family, too. This is true because your families will combine, hang out, see each other at events, and may even become lifetime friends.
Of course, some families can also hate one another, as there are exceptions to all things. But let’s assume that your families love each other. Can you guess what happens if you end up getting a divorce? In most cases, family relationships will start falling apart.
Each partner will have their side of the story, and they’re both valid. However, families will often only hear one of those sides. That means they’re likely to resent the other side without having the full picture. So, keep in mind that your divorce can affect some relationships that would have lasted a lifetime.
Marriage Is Normally Tough
Did you notice how often we fight with our parents as young adults, but our relationships with them improve as soon as we move out? That’s what living with someone for years can do to you. Sometimes, you just don’t see eye to eye. The same happens when you’re married. So, it’s safe to say that marriage is supposed to be tough. Yes, this isn’t for the faint of heart, but people often overlook that, and they get a nasty surprise when problems start arising.
But how to save a failing marriage? Having good communication is key. Talking and hearing each other out can do wonders for all couples. You can even participate in couples therapy if you think your problems are too big for the two of you to solve. The important thing to remember is that arguments aren’t something that should end your marriage. There’s always a way to fix things, and you just need to put some effort in to find it.
Of course, you shouldn’t be the only one looking to save a failing marriage. Your partner needs to be in on it too. Otherwise, it’s all for naught.
It Could Create a Cycle of Divorce
Finally, getting a divorce creates a nasty cycle that’s difficult to get out of. We’re not saying getting a divorce is wrong because it’s absolutely justified in some cases. However, as you now know, an argument isn’t a reason to throw away years of marriage.
So, how does divorce create a cycle? Firstly, other people may see this and think it’s okay for them to do the same when they’re having minuscule marital issues. They may even find it easier to get a divorce instead of fixing the problem.
Secondly, your kids may think divorce is the solution to any marital problems. This will make them think that every marriage is supposed to be perfect. And if it’s not? Divorce is easy to get. You just need to suffer years of mental health decline because of it. This is not a message you want to send, and you should always rethink divorce.
Let’s face it — cock cages are fun and exciting. Used mainly in BDSM relationships, male chastity devices can make even the dullest of men horny beasts due to a lack of erections and masturbation. However, it’s not just about that. The chastity lifestyle is great if the two of you are into torture and femdom. Here are several reasons why you should try it.
Many more orgasm for you
There’s a common misconception that women can only reach orgasm through penetration. That is simply not true. Moreover, vaginal orgasms are the rarest, and only a few women can experience them. But if you put your husband in chastity, the two of you will be looking for other, more productive ways for you to come.
A cock cage means that he’ll need to use fingers, sex toys, and give head more often. All these methods mean more orgasms — clitoral, anal, and nipple orgasms! Everything will be about you and your pleasure. If that doesn’t sound right, well, we don’t know what does. As far as we are concerned, it’s only time women get more attention, and male chastity is all about that.
There will always be romance
It’s easy to assume that wearing a chastity device removes any romance between two people. But in reality, that isn’t the case. A lock and key can encourage more intimacy for couples. The thing is, less penetration means more snuggling, kissing, and laying by each other’s side, talking about everything and nothing.
Romance isn’t just sexual intercourse. It’s caring for one another, listening, and sharing ideas about life and your relationship. Hence, restricting sex isn’t a bad thing. It’s a great way to make your hubby more attentive. On the other hand, true romantics will always put their lady’s needs in front of theirs and try to please them.
Better sex life
Another benefit of male chastity is that it will eventually improve your sex. The way this works is by keeping him locked long enough that he becomes so desperate to finally come out and devour your body. Not only that, but he’ll be more caring while he begs for you to use the key and let him out. It’s simple tease and denial stuff, yet it works like a charm.
Furthermore, cock cages affect sexual tension. Being locked up for a long time will only increase a man’s will to have sex in the end. In the end, the release will be one hell of an experience as it rewards both of you. It will be a special occasion, which you’ll remember for years after. Moreover, it will make you lock him up once again.
No more paranoia
It’s not uncommon for both men and women to fear their partner might be having an affair with someone else. Unfortunately, this seems to be a prevalent problem these days with all the social media apps and their horny likes and favs. In turn, this fear leads to paranoia, and that can break even the strongest of couples.
However, chastity is all about staying loyal to the keyholder — the dominant woman. Incorporating it into your private life can save you from all those sleepless nights full of wondering where he is and with whom. Even if he tries something stupid, he won’t be able to take his penis out of the cage without the key.
You have the power
Nothing says female supremacy better than male chastity. Putting your man under the lock will make him a slave, serving you and your power. That can lead to numerous kinky scenarios of exchanging sexual energies. For example, you can tease him with your dildo and watch porn videos of studs plowing a petite lady while he sits motionless.
On the other hand, make him go around on all fours while wearing girly clothes. That will make him uncomfortable and worthless. Moreover, it will tempt him to masturbate and release frustration, but he won’t be able to because of the cage. Just picture him trying to reach his penis between the bars, longing for one good stroke.
Nevertheless, you can role-play as his horny stepdaughter that’s all naughty and lewd, teasing his manhood whenever she sees him. Lurk around the house naked, wink at him at inappropriate times, or sext him while you’re having dinner with friends. Either way, enjoy the power you have over him, no matter the scenario.
More confidence
Dominance and submission can be rather helpful in making you feel good about yourself. There’s no doubt about it. The reason is simple — he will act like you’re his goddess and long for your approval and his eventual release. Such power exchange will make sex when you unlock the cage unforgettable for both.
Your confidence will skyrocket with a begging man next to you, hoping for recognition with your every step. It’s similar to being the only woman in the company of men, as they all compete against each other for your attention. No matter how attractive or not she is, they’ll all hop around and behave like morons just to have a brief one-on-one with you.
Always remember
Everything we’ve mentioned above is only great if there’s consent involved. Just like for any other relationship out there, a Dom/sub one needs joint effort to work. Otherwise, it won’t be long before one of you quits.
Kinks are great fun, but they can make or break a relationship if you don’t prepare yourself properly. That means communication, sharing, and aftercare are essential for these high-caliber toys from LG shop to provide you with fun and satisfaction.
If you’ve ever wondered how some people stay married for 50+ years, we’ll reveal their secrets. Well, they’re not exactly secrets. We all know we should practice these things with our partners. In case you need a reminder of what makes any relationship strong in the long haul, take a look at our list of relationship advice.
Understand Compromise
One of the main things in all kinds of long-term relationships is compromise. All happy couples know that if you don’t compromise, the relationship will go south fast. Some people don’t have a clear understanding of what this means, so allow us to break it down for you.
Compromising in relationships doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice and give things up. It simply means you occasionally sit down and hear your partner out. The important thing is to make everyone involved feel heard and understood. Once that’s out of the way, it’s time to make a decision together.
This is where most people assume it’s time to give something up, but think of it this way — you don’t have to insist on watching a scary movie if it makes your partner feel uncomfortable. That’s what compromise is all about — making a decision that will benefit both partners.
Show Emotion and Be Vulnerable
One of the foundations of a long-lasting relationship is being emotional, open, and honest with your partner. How so? Sharing emotions is how humans connect. So you’re closing the distance between you and your partner by simply sharing how you feel. However, this is easier said than done for a lot of people.
Whatever the reason for not sharing your emotions may be, we’re here to tell you that it’s okay to trust your partner with them. Of course, your partner needs to show you that they won’t take advantage of your vulnerability. On the other hand, you have to do the same for them.
Being vulnerable with each other won’t only set a good foundation for your relationship, but it will also make you trust one another. Sharing emotions isn’t enough though. Expect your partner to show empathy and help you deal with those emotions. Why? Because you’ll do the same thing in return.
Trust Fully in Your Spouse
As we know now, trust can come through sharing emotions and being vulnerable with each other. On the other hand, trust can also come naturally. We’re not only talking about you trusting that your partner won’t cheat on you. Still, that is one of the big things that people are usually afraid of.
You shouldn’t be paranoid the moment you step into a relationship. In fact, many married couples fear infidelity because they think their partner will get bored of them at some point. All you need to do is give your significant other the benefit of the doubt. You’ll be quick to realize that things aren’t that scary at all.
At the same time, this isn’t all that trust is about. You should try to trust that your partner will love and keep you safe for a long time. This means that they will care for your wellbeing and contribute toward it. Putting yourself in someone else’s hands like this can be scary. In time, though, everything is achievable. Don’t give yourself petty reasons why you should doubt your partner. Try believing in their good intentions instead.
Show Physical Affection
Sometimes, words just aren’t enough. Plus, not all people prefer a verbal kind of love language. At times, you just have to get physical. Of course, that doesn’t only include sex, but sex is definitely one of the main things most relationships need. However, other small ways of showing physical affection are also appreciated.
By showing affection on a regular basis, you’re ensuring further connection with your partner. Don’t you feel wanted and loved by your partner whenever they express affection through physical touch? Everybody feels that way! If public displays of affection make you uncomfortable, we’re not saying you should do it everywhere and at all times.
A simple caress here and there can be more than enough. Yes, holding hands is a part of showing physical affection as well. So you can keep the spicy stuff between the two of you, but keep in touch (literally!) to ensure your partner always knows you love and support them.
Respect One Another
We’ll be honest and say that sometimes, it’s hard to respect your partner. It’s true! Sometimes, they have different views or opinions that directly oppose yours. This is when you find yourself holding back to the best of your ability to avoid an unnecessary argument. However, these difficult times are exactly the ones that require respect the most.
You shouldn’t only respect your significant other as a partner but as an individual as well. This goes hand in hand with compromising. How so? Well, you have to respect someone enough to be able to sacrifice and compromise for them. With that in mind, respect is one of those things that can slip our minds occasionally.
We should also remind our partners that we respect them. This will make them feel more loved and appreciated because they’ll know that you will have their back in the most difficult times. Everyone appreciates a reminder like this from time to time, so expect it from your significant other as well.
Appreciate Each and Every Moment of Your Time Spent Together
Being appreciative means nothing unless your partner knows it. You don’t always have to tell them you appreciate them; sometimes, you can also show it. So how do you do that? By being present whenever you’re together.
Some people find this difficult, but practice makes perfect. All you need to do is give them your undivided attention. Put your phone down, switch the TV off, listen to them closely, and engage in conversation. Leading by example will make your partner strive to do the same, and that’s how you ensure that both of you enjoy the quality time you spend together.
Be Best Friends
Keep in mind that your spouse isn’t just your spouse. You might have been friends before you fell in love, and we suggest you never lose that friendship. This will ensure the longevity of your relationship.
Being able to gossip together, share a funny story, laugh, cry, and do all the things friends would do can make your relationship so much stronger. That’s why you should never see your spouse as just that. They’re your best friend too, and they will have your back no matter what. In turn, you should always be there for them too.
Make Your Marriage a Priority in Life
Lastly, one of the best marriage advice we can give you is to always put your marriage first. At times, this can make your friends or family members mad. Why? Because you’re prioritizing doing things with your partner instead of hanging out with friends or helping your family. Of course, there needs to be a healthy balance. So we’re not saying you should forget about all other people in your life. All we’re saying is that you need to know who comes first.
At the end of the day, your spouse is your life partner. You always come back home to them, so it would be silly to prioritize someone else over them. You two have devoted your lives to one another, vowing to always be there for each other. This is why maintaining a happy marriage should always be your priority.
This means that times when you made decisions on your own are long gone. Don’t forget to always consult your partner because just as they are your main priority, you will be theirs as well. Married life is about unity after all, and you need to learn to work as a team.
Most of these things are something we already know. However, it doesn’t hurt to be reminded of what makes a marriage so strong and long-lasting. As years go by, it’s easy to forget how you got to where you are in the first place.
Most people don’t know what ben wa balls are full. These ben wa balls are first of all known by a lot of names. They are known as love eggs, love balls, kegel balls and more. If you insert them in your vagina and then hold them in then you will be able to strengthen the right vaginal muscles. Many people are scared of using them and these are the most common reasons why:
The fact that these balls have to inserted into the vagina and there’s nothing to pull them out except a string.
Many people read all-over the internet that these balls can be used (which means that they can be put in and kept in the vagina) while doing everything from going to grocery shopping to going to the gym.
The uncertainty of whether these little marble-sized balls can even initiate sexual pleasure.
The uncertainty of whether these little balls can be used for tightening the vaginal walls.
All of these are very valid reasons for being wary of Ben wa balls, especially since there’s no proper scientific proof that backups the claims of vaginal tightening and sexual simulation. But if you are willing to try out these things then there’s a way you can begin. After all, the way to dispel myths and fears is to try the thing out and this is one thing which you can do using this toy.
How to begin using Ben wa balls?
If it’s your first time then go with a small set. Some of the small ones come in three different sizes and weights. This means that you will be able to pick and choose which feels good to you. As a beginner, it’s always advised that you begin with the smallest one and allow your body to get adjusted to the weight and feel of the toy. You can start by viewing these ben wa balls from, and see if something appeals to you.
If you feel like you don’t like the sensations then there’s a string or a retrieval loop that can use to pull the balls out of your vagina. (There’s an important lesson here- make sure to always buy these balls with these strings or loops). But if you do love the sensations then you can proceed to the next weighted ball.
After you have tried the first or beginner pair of balls and feel comfortable using them then you can search for what you are looking for. Know that there are both larger but lighter Ben wa balls available for beginners as well. These are easier to hold in obviously as your vaginal muscles are not putting in that much effort to keep the balls in.
Note: it’s always advised that you choose a retrieval loop that isn’t made of string. It’s ideal if you use it for loops which are made from safe materials like silicone.
How to clean the ben wa balls?
Remove the balls from the packaging it came in. Then clean those little balls thoroughly by using hot soapy water which is fragrance-free. You can also use a sex toy cleaning spray. Make sure that you clean it thoroughly before and then after you are done using it. This will prevent you from contaminating your vagina as well as other places in your house. This cleaning process might also keep you safe from transmitting or contracting STI and other harmful bacteria.
How to insert these kegel balls?
First, make sure that there’s a lot of lube. It will be better if it’s water-based, especially if you are using it for the first time. Then slowly put the first Ben wa ball inside by slowly pressing it against your vaginal opening till it slides inside.
You will find that there’s a little stick or space of silicone in between the first ball and the other. You should slowly push this one in as well before trying to press the second ball inside just like you did with your first.
Tips for using kegel or Ben wa balls
There’s no need to be afraid once the balls are inside. If you want and if you are ready then you can push the little balls in even further.
Make sure that the removal loop for re Ben wa balls remains outside your vagina.
Know that your body will automatically try to hold in the balls. Many people think that it will automatically fall out. But that’s not the case and your vagina walls and try to hold it in.
See if you can stand and then walk with them inside. If you are then slowly and gradually use them to while you are going about your daily work. Go to work, travel by bus and do everything you can while wearing these. Know that the more you will use them and move around, the more stimulation you are going to get.
When you are done using them then gently pull on the loop to pull the toy out. You should be lubricating the vaginal entrance before doing so. This will prevent any unnecessary accidents and pain.
How can to use these during sex?
These balls are said to be incredibly arousing to use during sex. If you want to see if that the case or try it out then you should do the following:
Be prepared and use them around one hour approximately before you are going to have intercourse. Insert them normally by using the procedure described above. Allow the gentle movements of the balls inside to key you up as foreplay.
If you like anal sex then you will like the sensations these Ben wa balls give you. You will have to wear them while you are being penetrated anally. What will happen is that the sensation of that will be increased by the shape and firmness of the kegel balls inside. Along with this, the pressure and stimulation of the penetration will push the Ben wa balls quite firmly against your most sensitive spot. This will allow the weight of the balls to massage your inner vaginal muscles.
Hopefully, this knowledge will stop you from being scared to use them and make you a little better informed about its uses.
Sex toys are generally all aids and items that can be used for sexual stimulation and / or satisfaction. However, that is a broad definition that also carries a lot of danger. Everyone knows the horror stories of experimental men and vacuum cleaners, which end with painful and highly distressing injuries. Here you could also speak of a sex toy. But you should desist from such a thing and rely only on sex toys, which were made especially for it and by professional providers are sold.
But even with this restriction, there is still an almost huge selection of Sex Toys. From masturbators like dildos and artificial vaginas or the so-called sex dolls for masturbation, over strap-on, restraints to massage oils, lubricants and condoms- all this is one of the sex toys. There are also best ropes for anal hooks are available.
Sex toys or sex toys have been around for a long time. For example, ancient vases are used to portray rites that use a variety of toys. Only they were not known under the name Sex Toys, but often disguised as “aids” and offered in the “shop for marital hygiene.” The name sex shop or erotic business or similar did not come into question at that time. Fortunately, times are changing and you can now call things by name without looking the other way.
TV series such as “Sex and the City”, many art house films but also every second Goethe performance in the theater or many commercials show that one is now more open with sex. Sexuality does not need to be hidden nowadays. Maybe you should not just talk about your porn DVD collection at the board meeting and not discuss your BDSM preferences with other parents in kindergarten – unless the other parents share your views. But having a vibrator, a couple of love balls, a whip for those games, a penis pump, or exotic massage oils at home is not really bad anymore. Proper hygiene is not allowed to find dingy, spoiled or dirty sex toys.
The prejudices that make masturbation blind, the use of dildos to rheumatism or even spinal cord shrinkage and what was not all for nonsense circulated, are scientifically refuted. However, there are also some things to note: As mentioned Sex Toys are not harmful to health (quite the contrary – an active sex life can even promote good health), but this applies only to quality products and not for home-made dildos or nipple clamps or the like. People come up with the craziest ideas and sometimes end up very painful.
Buying Sex Toys from different sources
Buy from dealers whose quality you trust and inform you. Incidentally, this can even end in couples quite tingling, even if you do not dare to a sex shop, but rather use the convenient and anonymous online store.
So Sex Toys are neither dingy, nor perverted, nor unhealthy – so there is no reason to do without it. Some people’s argument that they have a fulfilling sex life without any accessories, aids, or toys is just a fake argument. Because why should not you want to do something good even better whether alone or as a couple. This is exactly what the toys can do – to gain new nuances, new kick, and new intensity – for lovemaking. For example, with a penis ring for him, which strengthens his stamina or a vibrator for her or for mutual stimulation during foreplay? The massage oil and the scented candles for the romantic mood, the condom for security, also the shackles for enthralling love games, the baby doll that she wears to really give him a break, the penis pump gets the maximum out of it – with training effect! – The leather mask, for the more bizarre love games.
Magic X offers the full range of high-quality and affordable sex toys, lingerie, movies, books – all to make the love life even more exciting. Surf through our online shop or visit one of our large branches for personal advice.
Probably the biggest erotic dealer is undoubtedly Magic X. There you get for comparatively little money a huge, almost unmanageable offer of erotic products.
Sex toys still have something dis-receptive about them. Video blogger Stephanie Tresch finds this stupid. So you do not have to buy the cat in a poke, she unpacks the We-Vibe Sync for you and gives advice for use.
So that the sex is also beautiful in long-distance relationships for both, there are things like the We-Vibe. The device can be controlled not only locally but also via app. But the fact is that the We-Vibe Sync can be operated in three places: on the vibrator itself, on the supplied remote control or via app for Apple iOS and Google Android. You can set the two clip sides of the U-shaped vibrator separately. Just as you like it.
What should be considered when using Analgesic plugs?
Since the anus is by far not as stretchy as the vagina, when using butt plugs caution and empathy is required so that it does not cause pain or even injury. A special lubricant is certainly helpful in this context.
Also to be considered are hygiene rules that apply to any type of sex toys, i.e. thorough cleaning and disinfection after use. If the anal plug is used by changing sexual partners, the use of an anal condom is definitely advisable in order to significantly reduce the risk of infection.
Can the use of an anal plug be dangerous?
Butt plugs used with caution, a risk of injury is rather low. Since it is a sensitive body region, anal plugs should be used wisely, especially if the couple is still inexperienced and inexperienced with this technique. Injuries should definitely be avoided, because once it comes to a doctor’s visit is as unpleasant as inevitable and the healing may take some time.
Where can I buy a butt plug?
Anal plugs can be purchased at local sex shops as well as from online retailers, with a wide choice of models in terms of shapes, sizes, colors and materials. In fact, this is the kind of sex toy and the first thing I bought from LP.
For whom are anal plugs suitable?
As mentioned earlier, butt plugs are used by both women and men as they serve sexual stimulation as well as preparing for anal intercourse. Their employment is therefore practiced by both heterosexual and homosexual couples. In general, anal plugs are flexible because they are used not only for anal intercourse but also in the context of vaginal intercourse or even oral intercourse.
In principle, Butt plug are therefore suitable for everyone, but it is important that both partners agree with the use and sensitively deal with this sex toy.
Are there any limitations or concerns with the application?
There are no restrictions on use, but inexperienced butt plugs should be used wisely, as both partners must first familiarize themselves with the use. Both should of course agree with this practice. As an accessory, a special lubricant is recommended.
There are people who stay in an unhappy marriage until the resentment builds and they feel they have no choice but to divorce. They don’t voice their unhappiness, they go with the flow hoping something will change and the problems will be instantly solved. Then there are those who try with everything they have to make the marriage work before they leave. These people are problem-solvers who feel they owe it to the marriage to try to reach some resolution before they throw in the towel.
The one thing both have in common is that they rarely go to marriage counseling. Very few people take advantage of marriage counseling before deciding to divorce; this is likely due to societal preconceptions about who needs therapy and what it may lead others to think. When your relationship is on the line, though, no one’s opinion matters more than that of you and your partner. And by working with a professional, you may actually find that your voice is strong and worth listening to.
Maintaining a marriage and solving problems within the marriage takes skills. Relationship skills that few of us are naturally equipped with. We may think we are doing all we can to solve the problems in a marriage but, a marriage counselor can be of great benefit in teaching us new ways of solving problems and getting our needs met.
5 Benefits of Marriage Counseling
You will learn how to resolve conflict in a healthy manner. Marriage counseling will equip you with communication skills that will help you not only listen to your spouse but, to also process what your spouse is saying.
You will learn how to communicate more effectively. When you voice your needs clearly and openly without resentment or anger, your marriage will prosper.
You will learn how to be assertive without being offensive. Both spouses need to be able to talk about their issues without fear of hurting the other spouse. In marriage counseling, you will learn that you can get what you need without having to make demands and engage in conflict.
You will learn to process and work through unresolved issues. Marriage counseling offers a safe environment for expressing any unhappiness you feel. Getting your feelings out into the open with the help of a trained professional may be all you need. You may find that your spouse is more than willing to work together to solve the problems in the marriage. You may also find that your spouse is unwilling to do the work. If so, you are then free to leave the marriage without any guilt because you have given it your best shot.
You will develop a deeper understanding of who your spouse is and what their needs are. Better yet, you will learn more about yourself and your own needs. You may end up finding that those needs can be met inside the marriage or you may not.
Relationship skills needed to maintain a fulfilling marriage could be learned. A marriage counselor can teach you those skills while monitoring your progress, mediating conflict and giving objective feedback.
If you wait too long to seek marriage counseling the odds are against you. Even if you feel it is too late and no amount of counseling will help the only way to know for sure is to seek professional help. Doing so will keep you from making a mistake you will later regret. If you are thinking about divorce, protect yourself from future regret by working with a marriage counselor.
Butt plug and chafing is one of the most popular sex toys, and on the other hand is one of the most delicate. Cork is considered the best choice for beginners and for those who are already experienced. There are a number of tips that will simplify getting used to the toy and allow you to get maximum pleasure even to the most unsophisticated person in such matters.
The anal opening by the nature for sex is not intended; therefore it does not allocate the greasing. Accordingly, in order to get the maximum pleasure, it is recommended to get a lubricant. Especially when you’re banging dolls or a sex robot if you like. If you lubricate the working surface of the cork with a special lubricant and do not forget to add it directly to the anus, then there will be much more pleasant sensations, and most importantly, the cork will be much easier to insert. The use of lubricant significantly reduces pain and the risk of micro cracks and micro traumas.
It is very important to follow the rules of not only personal hygiene, but also the hygiene of toys. Since not everyone likes and is comfortable to do the clipping before using the toy, it is necessary to wash it regularly and process it either with a special toy cleaner. You can also put a condom on the cork.
The most important thing is not to rush. It is necessary to introduce and remove the anal plug with extreme caution and in no case do it abruptly, since a sharp expansion of the sphincter muscles can lead to micro cracks and even tears. The anal plug should be inserted smoothly and gradually, preferably using a lubricant. It is not necessary to immediately introduce it completely; you can do it in several steps so that the body has time to get used to the presence of a foreign object.
Cork as decoration
A number of anal plugs suitable for permanent wear. The toy with constant wear is not only a peculiar decoration, but also works as a simulator for the muscles of the anus, relaxing and preparing them for safe and pleasant anal sex. The main thing is not to forget about the rules of hygiene!
Pose selection
The most comfortable posture is the so-called “knee-elbow” – when you are on all fours with slightly spread legs. However, do not forget about the variety – you can try to lie on your back, put a small pillow under the tail bone and spread your legs wide. By the way, this position is suitable not only for the introduction of the anal plug, but also for anal sex. And another option is to squat. In all three poses there will be completely different sensations, so we advise you to try everything!
Butt plug – is one of the most delicate sex toys to stimulate the anus. That is why this device is considered the best choice for beginners in anal pleasures. However, even such a simple and safe toy must be properly used.
Butt plug – terms of use: There are a number of recommendations, following which you can learn to use the butt plug with maximum safety and efficiency. Let’s get acquainted with some very useful tips that will be useful to all ladies who are not experienced in anal toys. But first, you need to secure yourself with butt plugs such as these.
Unlike the vagina, the anus cannot secrete a natural lubricant. Yes, it is not surprising, because this physiological hole is not provided for the introduction of anything into it. Thus, if a girl still wants to get pleasure from anal stimulation, then she also needs to get a lubricant. Having treated the working surface of the anal plug with a special lubricant, a woman can easily insert a toy from her anus and without any unpleasant sensations. If the use of grease is rejected, even the penetration of such a delicate toy as an anal plug can cause extremely unpleasant sensations and even micro trauma.
As already mentioned, the anus is not provided for the penetration into it of any objects. Therefore, when introducing the anal plug and when removing it, care must be taken. Most importantly, do not accelerate their movements and act smoothly and measured. The plan is this: first, we introduce the anal plug just a couple of centimeters and let it jump out by itself, gradually introducing the plug all the time, deeper and deeper – let the body get used to the foreign body.
Without restrictions
Butt plugs of all models are designed for prolonged use and not only in the shower or bed. In order to enjoy as long as possible, a girl cannot take a toy out of herself, even doing household chores, walking, etc. The benefit of the device is completely unnoticeable under the clothes. In addition, often the butt plug is used as the first simulator for the development of the anus before anal sex. And for the maximum effect of such exercises, a woman should spend as much time with this toy as possible. After all, butt plug not only brings pleasant sensations, but also relaxes the anus. Therefore, the introduction into it of the penis after a long use of the device will be much easier.
Pose is our everything
The choice is yours, but the following three poses are traditionally convenient: On all fours (doggie style); Lying on your back with legs apart, under the back we put a small pillow; Squatting.
The main thing to ensure clean, clean after each use and it is better to disinfect. For those who especially care about their health – a banal condom. Put it on the stopper and stay healthy.
More information about how to use butt plugs is available here.
Do not put yourself in both holes
No matter how much you’ve prepared your anal, the anus and rectum certainly contain bacteria that have nothing to look for in the vagina. In porn, tongues, toys and penis go out of one hole and enter the other, but in real life, such a thing can cause an infection. If something goes into the bottom, first wash and then use it in other situations.
Do not forget about hugs
Anal sex can be an intense experience, especially if your partner is a beginner, so do not forget to pay much attention and care.